"Nightmare" explores the delicate interplay between self-deception and the human psyche through the lens of sleep paralysis. This collection is a visual narrative of the phantasmagoric visions and shadowy illusions my mind conjures in its most vulnerable state. Inspired by the Chinese idiom “作茧自缚” (zuo jian zi fu), meaning a silkworm entangling itself in its own cocoon, the project reflects on the self-imposed prisons crafted from our denials and fears.
Employing a palette of deep, melancholic tones against stark contrasts, each piece merges ethereal fabrics with structured forms, embodying the oppressive yet enlightening nature of our innermost fears. "Nightmare" is an invitation to confront the spectral shadows of self-deception, urging a journey from entrapment to enlightenment.
Employing a palette of deep, melancholic tones against stark contrasts, each piece merges ethereal fabrics with structured forms, embodying the oppressive yet enlightening nature of our innermost fears. "Nightmare" is an invitation to confront the spectral shadows of self-deception, urging a journey from entrapment to enlightenment.
collages inspired by my sleep paralysis hallucinations
Inspired by Bea Camacho's performance art, particularly her work "Enclose" where she knits herself into a cocoon, my fashion project explores themes of self-constraint and entanglement through sculptural tailoring. Camacho’s exploration of isolation and self-enclosure is reflected in my designs, which employ innovative cuts and constructions to represent the mental constructs that bind us.